You're a landlord or potential tenant, a REALTOR® is just as vital to the process. After all:
A REALTOR® knows the neighborhoods and the available properties to connect people with the homes they want to rent
A REALTOR® has up-to-date information that can help narrow (or expand) a home or tenant search
Many REALTORS® are also licensed property managers. Work with a professional who has the proper license and expertise to manage your property
If you'd like to rent a home:
Step 1: Find your REALTOR®
This will be your advocate and guide for the entire process. Search REALTORS® here.
Step 2: Meet with your REALTOR®
Discuss your rental needs. This will help your REALTOR® make an educated search on your behalf.
Step 3: Find your property
Discuss the pros and cons with your REALTOR®. And if you fall in love, be ready to sign your agreements. The rental market in Southern Nevada can move quickly
Things to know:
How long the lease agreement lasts
The terms of extension
Which utilities you will have to pay
Which fees and deposits, if any, you will have to pay
Under what circumstances can you be released from your lease
What repairs you will be responsible for
Who to call in case of an emergency